Spiraling Through the Galaxy

Spiraling Through the Galaxy

Description  Named, as a lot of my work is, for my fascination with astronomy. The firing effects I achieve with crushed foil saggars include star burst patterns and what appear to be gas clouds, and the occasional black hole. Who says God is finished creating?!...
We Have This Treasure in Jars of Clay

We Have This Treasure in Jars of Clay

Description  A small vessel, a jar of clay, a fragile thing, but the treasure is there within it. Paul is telling the Corinthians in his second letter to them that they, themselves, are the fragile jars of clay into which God has breathed His spirit, and each of them...
The Sun Shall Be Turned to Darkness

The Sun Shall Be Turned to Darkness

Description   I thought this bowl was going to be a test piece. Well, in the final analysis, EVERY thing I produce is some kind of test. How the work survives the test determines its worth. Similar to ourselves. The quote used for its title occurs in two places, Joel...
The Rose Chalice

The Rose Chalice

Description  The Rose Chalice is a saggar fired piece from my Christmas firing, 2019. There are numerous chalices that have been titled “Rose Chalice,” all of which have some reference to Christ. The word “chalice” comes from Latin, “calyx” meaning cup. The rose, of...
Peppermint Snowstorm

Peppermint Snowstorm

Description  Peppermint Snowstorm was whimsically named as I polished it on Christmas Eve, as an unforecast but vigorous snow swept over my studio.  It is a fumed, saggar-fired piece. Dimensions 7.5″w x 7″h   Price $225   Location...

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